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August 7 -  meet the teacher 1 - 3 pm  (You may also drop off school supplies at this time if you'd like.)


August 8 - first day for 1st - 5th graders


August 22 - open house: grades 3-5 from 5-6 pm and grades 1-2 from 6-7 pm


​September 26 - Literacy Night 5 - 6:30 pm


October 21 - 25 - red ribbon week


November 11 - Veteran's Day program (time TBA)


January 30 - STEAM night 5 - 6:30


April 10 - LEAP Parent Meetings: 3rd grade @ 8:45, 4th grade @ 9:45, 5th grade @ 10:45


May 19 - 5th Grade Dare Graduation 9 am


May 20 - Kindergarten graduation 9 am


May 21 -Pre-K graduation 9 am


*These are the planned dates for these events. It is possible some of the dates will need to be changed. Please refer to the school's monthly calendar for changes or for events not listed here.





Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline: 1-855-452-5437

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