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The policy of the Livingston Parish School Board shall be that no mode of attire shall be considered proper for school wear that disrupts the classroom and/or the school's positive learning environment. In questions regarding student dress and grooming, the principal or his/her designee of each school shall make the final decision based on this policy as to what is considered proper or improper dress according to the guidelines provided. The Livingston Parish School Board is responsible for achieving a systemwide dress code for appearance and dress among students that will promote the best atmosphere for teaching and learning.



It is the responsibility of each student to use good judgment regarding appearance and attire. Cleanliness shall be a basic consideration. Any complaint concerning a student's dress and appearance shall be addressed by the particular school's administration. The principal of the particular school shall make the final decision as to what is considered proper attire and appearance. In the event that health and medical considerations for a particular student require an exception to the Dress Code, the principal of the particular school shall determine that exception and make his/her faculty and staff aware of the exception.


The following guidelines have been established regarding all students’ dress and appearance:

• Styles of dress and grooming never should be such that they represent a collective or individual protest.

• Appropriate footwear must be worn to school (no shower shoes, flip-flops).

• Caps, hats, unprescribed glasses are not permitted.

• Patches, decorations, slogans, symbols, tags, marks, or advertisements are prohibited.                                                                                                     (Examples: beer, cigarettes, drugs, obscene suggestions, sexual connotations, political, etc.)

• Earrings are allowed for students provided they are not a safety concern or a distraction on campus.

• Piercings, other than ears, are not permitted. Clear (concise stud only) pierce hole fillers are allowed for nose rings.

• Jewelry, including earrings, worn during the school day should be a size and dimension that is not a safety concern or a distraction on     campus.

• Hair should be neat, clean, and out of the student’s eyes. Students should have natural hair color. Extreme unnatural colors are not allowed. Sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, or hair curlers, rollers or excessively teased will not be permitted. Principals have discretion if a hairstyle including accessories interferes with learning. • Neatly groomed facial hair is acceptable, including mustaches, beards and goatees.

• Tattoos that are vulgar, obscene, political, offensive or otherwise disruptive to the school environment are not permitted and must be       covered at all times.

• Foundation garments must be worn.

• Dress during any period where uniforms are not required, such as special event days, or for transferring students, shall be consistent      with the intent and spirit of the School Uniform Dress Code.



The School Board is permitted by state law to adopt dress codes mandating the use of school uniforms.  The purpose of the School Uniform Dress Code shall be to provide additional opportunities for increased school safety; to encourage students to experience a greater sense of school identity and belonging; to encourage an improvement in student behavior; and to encourage a high level of program participation.



• Solid color:  Navy blue or white

• Polo: (golf-boxed, hemmed) two, three, or four buttons at the top front with collar (short or long sleeve)

• Oxford/dress shirt (short or long sleeves)

• **Kindergarten – Fifth grade students shall be encouraged to tuck in shirts.

• Designs, emblems, insignias, monograms and logos are prohibited

• Under-shirts and t-shirts, if worn, must be white, gray, or black in color and can only be worn underneath the standard uniform



• Solid color:  Khaki

• No jean, knit, jegging, stretch, cargo, capri, or cropped styles.

• ** Kindergarten – Fifth grade students may have elastic waist pants with or without belt loops (belts are optional, but encouraged) •   

      Appropriate fit: not too tight; no sagging.

• Must be worn at waistline • Skirts and Jumpers should be to top of kneecap.

• The only logos allowed should be the manufacturer’s label. Belts:

• Kindergarten to Fifth grade students shall be encouraged to wear belts.

• Belts may be any color, no inappropriate logos or slogans. Belts are to be worn correctly and buckles are not to be excessive size or           offensive in design. Studs and spikes are prohibited. Socks/Hose/Tights:    

• Socks may not have inappropriate or offensive wording or images. Socks above the knee are prohibited.

• Tights/Leggings solid color black, gray, navy blue or white (May only be worn under skirts/dresses/jumpers). Tights must be full length       reaching the ankle. Shoes:

• Shoes may  tie, buckle or velcro

• Closed toe and closed heel shoe mandatory (tennis shoes, dress shoes, casual shoes or slipon shoes)

• Shoes shall be properly tied, if applicable

• Footwear shall not extend above the knee.



• Solid Navy blue or White (¾ zip, crew, hoodies, sweaters) are allowed. A pullover cannot be worn in place of shirt nor be so large that it       conceals a student’s bottom garment. Designs, emblems, insignias, monograms and logos are prohibited

• Any spirt pullover purchased from the school or a vendor with the school name or logo is acceptable. Coats:

• Coat/jacket/sweater may be worn as long as the uniform shirt collar is revealed under the coat/jacket/sweater (TRENCHCOATS are         prohibited)

• Vests/jackets/sweaters/coats that  zip/button/snap from top to bottom may be any color and with hood



Eastside Elementary FREE DRESS Policy



• No spaghetti straps or tank tops

• No inappropriate text or logos Skirts/Shorts/Slacks/Skorts:

• Skirt/Skort length: No shorter than four (4) inches above the knee

• Shorts Length: No shorter than four (4) inches above knee

• Capris are allowed • Pajama pants are not allowed

• Tights/leggings are not allowed unless appropriate garments are worn over tights/leggings or shirt reaches the top of the knee



• Unless stated otherwise, students should not wear flip flops or slippers to school

• Shoes should have backs, sandals are allowed • Any color socks are allowed Headwear:

• Hats and sunglasses are not allowed

Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline: 1-855-452-5437

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